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Cindy Wasser

infertility egg donation cindy wasser

Cindy Wasser was called to the Ontario Bar in 1987 and practiced as a Criminal Defence lawyer until 2008. During her career she successfully defended many high profile cases at all levels of courts in Canada. She published papers and lectured at law schools and other University courses. Cindy was a founding Director of the Association in Defence of the Wrongly Convicted; the Chair of the Criminal Justice Section of the Ontario Bar Association and; a member of many Law Society, Legal Aid and Criminal Justice Committees.


In 2008, Cindy retired from Criminal Law to become a mom to the first of two perfectly created daughters using the assistance of one ovum donor and two gestational carriers. Her extraordinary journey through the medical and legal world of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs) led her to start her legal practice in the area of Fertility Law. Cindy provides legal advice and services to intended parents, carriers and donors. Since the RCMP investigation into ART began in February 2012, Cindy has also provided legal advice to other lawyers practicing in fertility law, fertility medical practitioners and, fertility consultant agencies. Cindy has lectured in the area of fertility law at medico-legal conferences and hospitals.


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